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• The Capital PRIDE Festival will be held on Sunday, June 8, 2025, there is no rain date and there will be no refunds.

• Vendor Check-in is from 7:00am until 10:00 AM only.

• The exhibitor locations will be determined in advance

• Premium locations reserved for Sponsors.

• Your exhibitor location will be given to you when you check in.

• All vehicles MUST be removed from the festival grounds by 10:00 AM.  Washington Park will be closed to vehicle traffic at 10:00am

• Complete loading instructions will be provided in your confirmation.

• There will be no parking on the festival grounds or park paths unless a vehicle is part of your exhibit and is noted on your registration form.

• All exhibitors must supply their own set-up.

• All vendors must supply their own power. No electricity will be provided. All generators must be insulated and quiet running.

• Vendors may not have music or sound systems at their booths.

• Vendors may not sell any food or beverages without Pride Center approval and proper permits.

• All exhibitors must clean up and dispose of their own trash in appropriate containers.

• Vendors must have their booth cleared and off the festival grounds by 6:00 PM.

• There is NO exclusivity of vendors guaranteed at Capital PRIDE.

• Vendors must Provide a Certificate of General Liability Insurance in the amount of $1,000,000, naming the Pride Center of the Capital Region “as additional insured”. If you do not have General Liability Insurance and need a policy for Pride, you can purchase a one-day policy at a specially arranged rate of $75 at$.

• All vendor spaces will be approximately 10'x10'.


Vendors MUST Provide a Certificate of General Liability Insurance in the amount of $1,000,000, naming the Pride Center of the Capital Region “as additional insured".

If you do not have General Liability Insurance and need a policy for Pride, you can purchase a one-day policy at a specially arranged rate of $75 at$.



1. Only one business or organization may operate in each exhibit space, sharing of booth/tent space with other businesses or organizations is prohibited. Booth/tent space may not be reassigned or sublet. Exhibitors may not distribute, display, or sell products, literature, or other items from any business or organization other than the one specifically contracted with the Pride Center of the Capital Region/Capital PRIDE/City of Albany to rent the booth/tent space.

2. The Pride Center of the Capital Region/Capital PRIDE/City of Albany reserves the right to change the location, dates, hours, or to terminate entirely the operation of the scheduled event, at any time and without prior notice to the vendor. Pride Center of the Capital Region/Capital PRIDE/City of Albany will make reasonable efforts to provide advance notice to vendors of any changes or cancellations. Only if the scheduled event is terminated entirely, will a refund be provided, except for cancellations due to acts of God or any other cause beyond Capital Pride’s reasonable control, e.g. war, fire, strike, change of law or regulation, public catastrophe, in which case all reasonable efforts will be made to offer credit for future events. Only if the scheduled event is terminated entirely, will a refund be provided. There will be no refunds due to vendor cancellations.

3. Items and products: An Exhibitor Application must be completed, including a full list of all items or products to be sold, distributed free or sampled; these must be approved by Pride Center of the Capital Region/Capital PRIDE prior to the start of the festival.

4. General Rules for Exhibitors:

a. Exhibitors must provide their own water, electric, tables and chairs.

b. Exhibitors must make their own arrangements for transport of their products, equipment, etc. to and from their exhibit spaces; festival personnel is not available to assist, and the festival cannot provide storage space for product, equipment, literature, etc. for exhibitors.

c. Exhibitors must take full responsibility for set-up and other display materials; Pride Center of the Capital Region /Capital PRIDE will establish set- up and take-down times.

d. Exhibitors must have personnel present and in their booths at all times during the official operating hours of the festival: 12:00 pm to 5:00 pm.

e. Exhibitors may not open or close earlier or later than the official operating hours, without the express permission of Pride Center of the Capital Region /Capital PRIDE.

f. Exhibitors must keep all displays, merchandise, etc. within the confines of the tent or space itself.

g. Exhibitors must keep boxes and cartons out of sight.

h. Exhibitors must maintain a neat and clean area, and also provide refuse bags to condense and secure all waste produced by the booth. All waste produced by an Exhibitor must be taken off premises for disposal by the Exhibitor.

i. Exhibitors may not hawk, peddle, sell, or advertise outside their assigned area.

j. Exhibitors may not distribute literature or other items to passers-by while standing outside of their assigned area.

k. Exhibitors may not have music or conduct activities that may be disruptive to neighboring exhibitors, passers-by, or Capital PRIDE personnel; Pride Center of the Capital Region/Capital PRIDE reserves the right to make such determinations and any Exhibitor who fails to immediately halt any such activity upon request will be asked to pack up and leave immediately.

l. Exhibitors must return the areas to their pre-festival condition (if repair and cleaning costs are incurred and the Pride Center of the Capital Region/Capital PRIDE/City of Albany determines Exhibitor is responsible, the Exhibitor will be billed for the cost of the repair and/or cleaning.) Also, the Exhibitor must comply with September 1, 1992, New York State Source Separation Law when vending in the City of Albany (separate all waste for proper recycling and disposal).

m. Exhibitors must comply with the festival’s parking regulations as set forth in the registration packet.

n. No vehicles (cars, trucks, trailers, etc.) of any type may be driven on sidewalks, park paths or green spaces or parked on or near exhibitor’s assigned location, unless previously approved as a part of exhibitor’s display between 11:30 am and 5:15 pm.

o. Pride Center of the Capital Region/Capital PRIDE/City of Albany may, for publicity purposes, use any photographs, videos or information received or obtained regarding the Exhibitors without further permission from such Exhibitors.

p. Exhibitors must operate its business in a professional manner. At the discretion of the Pride Center of the Capital Region/Capital PRIDE, any Exhibitors, or any agent, or employee of the Exhibitors, who do not conduct themselves in a professional manner and according to the policies contained herein, may be removed from the festival.

q. Festival coordinators reserve the right to remove any objectionable merchandise from any booth. NO merchandise shall be displayed or sold with the name “Capital PRIDE” in any form.

r. Exhibitors that are using an electric generator or any other motor must soundproof that device to the satisfaction of the Pride Center of the Capital Region/Capital PRIDE/City of Albany. (THIS WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED. Pride Center of the Capital Region/Capital PRIDE/City of Albany SUGGESTS ANYONE USING A GENERATOR TO EITHER HAVE A BACKUP (on-site) THAT RUNS MORE QUIETLY OR TO HAVE THEIR CURRENT ONE SERVICED. Pride Center of the Capital Region/Capital PRIDE/City of Albany has the right to make anyone not conforming to this rule, or any other policies or procedures shut down for the remainder of the festival.)

s. NO vending will be permitted without a certificate of authentication from the Pride Center which MUST be displayed at all times or shown upon request, or you will be asked to leave

5. Permits/Certificates/Insurance:

a. Exhibitors are solely responsible for collecting and paying all New York State sales taxes and shall properly display their New York State Sales Tax Certificate.

b. Exhibitors are responsible for obtaining and displaying festival permits, as required, and operating within any local, state, or federal guidelines, ordinances or laws.

c. Exhibitors must submit in advance a Certificate of General Liability Insurance in the amount of $1,000,000, naming the Pride Center of the Capital Region“ as additional insured”. No Refunds will be given if Exhibitor fails to provide the required insurance certificate.

6. Exhibitor is solely liable for equipment (installation, operation, and tear down), and any other personal property at the festival. Exhibitor represents Exhibitor has insurance coverage for said items to cover loss due to vandalism, theft, or any other casualty. Security is provided at specifically designated times; however, any losses due to fire, theft, damage, or injury is the sole responsibility of the Exhibitor. It is specifically agreed that Pride Center of the Capital Region/Capital PRIDE/City of Albany and their employees and agents shall be held harmless by the Exhibitor for any claim of theft, vandalism, casualty, or loss regardless of the cause of same.

7. The Exhibitor shall defend, indemnify, and save harmless Pride Center of the Capital Region/Capital PRIDE /City of Albany, and their employees and agents, from and against all claims, damages, losses and expenses (including, without limitation, reasonable attorney's fees) arising out of, or in consequence of, any negligent, reckless or intentional act or omission of the Exhibitor and/or the Exhibitor’s employees or agents.

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